
An Integrated CRM that helps you win more deals and create happy customers.


Ratin Agency


UX and UI design


One year

Ratin CRM is an integrated Customer Relationship Management system designed to help small businesses win more deals and create happier customers

Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

Ratin CRM is an integrated Customer Relationship Management system designed to help small businesses win more deals and create happier customers. Recognizing that customers are an organization's most essential asset, the primary goal of Ratin CRM is to streamline customer management processes, improve customer retention, shorten sales cycles, decrease customer acquisition costs, and boost sales. The challenge lies in the fact that small companies often avoid CRMs due to their complexity and poor usability, preferring online spreadsheets which lead to information dispersion.

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

Small businesses require a comprehensive tool to manage customer relations, opportunities, campaigns, and tasks efficiently. The tool should offer features like accurate report generation and data import/export capabilities without complexity, thus saving time and effort.

Small businesses require a comprehensive tool to manage customer relations, opportunities, campaigns, and tasks efficiently. The tool should offer features like accurate report generation and data import/export capabilities without complexity, thus saving time and effort.

User Research

To understand the target users (small business owners and their employees), we conducted user interviews and surveys. The key insights were:

- Users find current CRMs too complex and cluttered.

- They need easy access to customer data.

- Integration of various communication channels is crucial.

- Users want simple reporting tools to understand business performance.

The main takeaways


Small companies do not use CRM because of its complexity and failure to provide a simple, easy-to-use interface with good usability.

Dispersion of sales leads

Since sales leads are collected from different communication channels, and most small businesses use online spreadsheets instead of CRM, information Dispersion is a severe problem.


We created a persona representing a Ratin CRM user with the data collected from the interviews and survey. The persona helped us arrive at better solutions as it gave us an in-depth understanding of the user's goals, frustrations, and overall personality. So, meet Anna:

Project Goals and MVP

First, we had to set some goals for the MVP; What would success in this project look like?

1. Enhanced Data Analysis

2. Easier Customer Data Access

3. Streamlined Invoicing

Feature prioritization

After our analysis, we came up with many ideas, features, and solutions. Trying to develop everything at once would be overwhelming and could lead to roadblocks. So, we made a plan to prioritize the most important features using the MoSCoW method.

Information architecture

Ultimately, we had a clear idea about the content of our future application. The question now is how to organize this content to improve its usability.

To understand the users, we put website information into 50 cards and asked 10 participants to classify these cards to different categories based on their own mental model. Which led us to the site map.


Based on the insights from user research, we created wireframes and sketches to visualize the user interface and user experience


We conducted usability tests with a group of 10 small business owners and sales representatives and Identified issues related to navigation, form filling, and data visualization.

User Testing Results

Here are the key findings:

- Ease of Use: 85% of users found the interface intuitive and easy to use.

- Navigation: 75% of users were able to navigate the CRM without assistance.

- Data Entry: 80% of users appreciated the streamlined data entry process.

- Reporting:70% of users found the reporting features helpful and easy to understand.

A/B Testing

To optimize the user interface, we conducted A/B testing on several design elements:

- Navigation Menu: Tested vertical vs. horizontal layouts. Vertical layout had a 15% higher user satisfaction rate.

- Contact Form: Tested single-page vs. multi-step form. Single-page form reduced completion time by 20%.

- Dashboard Widgets: Tested various arrangements of widgets. Users preferred a layout with key metrics at the top.

Recognizing the need for further exploration, we started a more in-depth investigation. We made a survey and gave it to 45 students to learn more about the allowances they get from the Amsterdam municipality, what data they share, and if they know how it's used.

The results showed that none of them really know how their data is used, and half of them never even read privacy policies. This means they have no idea who has their data, for how long, or why. Surprisingly, many of them are worried about their data being shared with other companies. This shows why transparency is so important, because lots of people don't understand what happens to their online data.

High Fedility Prototype


With Me



With Me


