Flower Shop

Website Redesign


Couse Project


UX and UI Redesign


Four Weeks

"Flowers always make people happier."

That's why we give and receive flowers on every occasion. My job is to make an easy way for people to find their local florists and looking for the best flower by re-designing this website.

Problem and Solution

Many users find it difficult to buy a product from Flower Shop Network due to unorganized homepage, long list of states, too many options at first glance and long texts without any aesthetic design. I solved the problem by improving the information architecture, better filtering options and more user friendly design.

Design Goals

  • Responding based on customer's needs

  • Convenient accessibility

  • Considering the time for completing one task

Understand the Users

1) Online survey
To understand our users, we created an online survey asking people about their priorities when buying flowers.

A) For about 60% of participants, flower design(basket or vase) is more important than flower type.

B) Most participants prefer to filter flowers by the occasion, flower design and flower type.

C) When finally choosing a flower, the most important criteria for people are price, image of the flower and comments.

Understand the Users

2) Card Sorting
To create a better site map, we put website information into 50 cards and asked 10 participants to classify these cards to different categories based on their own mental model. Which led us to a new site map.

Understand the Users

3) Competitive Analysis
To gain more information, we also did some competitive analysis.

We made 4 major changes based on the user research

1. Navigation menu

The first thing that we changed is the navigation menu to respond better to customer needs. For example, we directly put "Flowers in vase" , "Flowers in basket" and "Occasions" in navigation bar so that people can easily search for their desirable flower.

Besides, we realized "Plants", "Trendy Flowers" and "Services" are more important for people than "Blogs", "About us" and "Contact us" so  we put those links in the footer.

We made 4 major changes based on the user research

1. Navigation menu

The first thing that we changed is the navigation menu to respond better to customer needs. For example, we directly put "Flowers in vase" , "Flowers in basket" and "Occasions" in navigation bar so that people can easily search for their desirable flower.

Besides, we realized "Plants", "Trendy Flowers" and "Services" are more important for people than "Blogs", "About us" and "Contact us" so  we put those links in the footer.

We made 4 major changes based on the user research

1. Navigation menu

The first thing that we changed is the navigation menu to respond better to customer needs. For example, we directly put "Flowers in vase" , "Flowers in basket" and "Occasions" in navigation bar so that people can easily search for their desirable flower.

Besides, we realized "Plants", "Trendy Flowers" and "Services" are more important for people than "Blogs", "About us" and "Contact us" so  we put those links in the footer.

2. Better filtering options

After choosing the flower design, occasion and location, now users have more options to filter like flower type, price and color.

3. List of flowers

Since we realized people pay attention to price, image and comments to make their final choice, we designed the list of flowers in a way that people see thw image and price in the first glance. And if they click on a flower, they can find the rating and comments.

4. The Homepage

The current homepage is so unorganized with long texts, too many options and less important sections. Therefore, we made a new homepage.

User Flow


High Fedility Prototype

Click on the image to access Figma prototype.


With Me





With Me
